Thursday, January 29, 2009

Only 11 more days!!!!

We've onyl got 11 more days until the sonogram. We are both excited to find out for sure. Although we both have a gut feeling it is a girl. So we shall see.....

Yesterday I was having some cramps right below my ribs. They are pretty much gone now. Thank goodness. I think I listened to the heart beat a million times yesterday just to make sure.. but I could also feel lil bean moving around. So I wasn't too worried. I did a lot of resting and water drinking. I feel much better today. i'd feel even better if I could get rid of this sinus drainage though. It's soooo annoying.

Anyways just wanted to tell y'all I have 11 days left until the sonogram! Love ya!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bored :)

Today is a good day to be at home! My classes for tonight were cancelled so I'll be able to work on some homework after I make dinner. That's always a good thing. I think we're probably leavig early today too so that we miss any icing that may happen. Mom doesn't like driving in it. And I don't like driving period.. so that works out for me.

Now I've just gotta get ready for mine & dakota's party on the 7th. I'm stoked that some of my out of town family is coming. It will be a lot of fun!

And we are down to 13 DAYS TIL WE FIND OUT THE GENDER OF LIL BEAN!!!!! We are so excited. Hopefully lil bean cooperates. I want to be abel to let people know what kinds of cloth diapers and stuff I'd like. lol

Well i guess I better get some work done. Til next time....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back from the doc

Well just got back from my appointment. The baby's heartbeat is 160/bpm. He said that's in line with girl... so we shall see. He said I can take Tylenol cold or flu to help with my sinuses because they have been making me have nosebleeds. He also thinks they are causing my headaches. And he wrote the okay to get my wisdom tooth taken out.

Now for the exciting news. Koda will be um sick shall we say on Feb. 9th! We get to find out if we will be having a boy or girl! I totally can't wait. And what a great day before my b-day present. lol

Just wanted to update y'all.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Please keep us in your Thoughts & Prayers

Brad was laid off yesterday. So as you can imagine with the worrier that I am, yesterday was a stressful day for us. (well mainly me lol) I think he might be able to at least work part time for his uncle for the time being. It would be great if he could go back full time but right now anything will help. We are going to see where this road leads us. I know God wouldn't give us anything more than we can handle. So I'm pretty happy we decided we are going to try to be more frugal this year.

On a good note. I have a doc appt on Tuesday and excited to see what changes are taking place. And hopefully he will tell me that next month I can get an ultrasound. That would be awesome.

Now when we start makign our registry for the baby don't be surprised by the organic stuff and cloth diapers. It saves a lot money and the end and it's much better for the environment ;).

Friday, January 9, 2009

Koda's Appt.

Well he did okay. The boy hates beign still so that was difficult. He also has a really bad gag reflex so she couldn't get x-rays of his teeth. He got nervous cuz he couldnt' see me during the x-rays due to me being pregnant. But all in all it was good. He has 1 cavity that he is getting filled on Feb 5th. He might not like the dentist after that. lol Here are the pics we took.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Today is his big day

I think I'm more nervous of D than he is. lol I just don't know how he will be around the loud noises. Sometimes loud things are okay and sometimes they aren't. It depends on his mood. We leave at 2:30 for the appointment. So I'll definitely update when I get back.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Koda will have another 1st

Thursday is Dakota's 1st dentist appointment. I'm so nervous for him. i had to wait until I got insurance on him to take him. So expect some pics later this week. I just hope he doesn't get scared!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

ok so....

Whatever got into to Dakota yesterday is still there today. Non-stop crazy getting on my nerves. lol For some apparent reason he thinks that when he needs to talk to you he NEEDS to be right in your face. I'm talking inches. Good thing is he's already talking about his bed time. lol Yay me. Besides that I'm in a great mood. Actually had a little bit of energy over the weekend. I got ALL of the laundry done. I just have to finish putting up Dakota's. Now i'm working on our menu for the week. Fun Fun. lol I've got to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Anyways I'll let y'all go and not bore you with my oh so exciting life. lol

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Someone please tell me what it is that got into my child. He has been driving me crazy all day long!!!!! Everything I say is an argument with him. I told him to clean his room his response why I don't want to. Ugh he has driven me batty today. He doesn't have a bed time on the weekends. So I was glad when he came to me at 9 or 9:30 and informed me that it was past his bed time. I've never been so happy that he goes to bed on his own than tonight. Letting out my big sigh of relief. Who knows maybe I'm just more irritable today. lol

We were all supposed to go have dinner with my dad tonight but he had to reschedule because he had to go out of town. I completely understand that but I was a little disappointed. I very rarely get to spend time with my dad and little brother & sister. So hopefully in a few weeks.

And I'm crazy stressing about school starting again. I'll be taking 4 classes this semester. I haven't done that since before I had Dakota. So it's been a few years.

Well I guess that's enough rambling for now. Till next time. Deuces!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone has a great & fruitful year! We had a great time last night. We went to Twyla's and played pool and I worked on my sock monkey. We rung in the new year with all our friends. And my dad even came out so that was a big deal to see him. It's been a few months. I think tonight we are going to go out for dinner with dad. I still have to give him his Christmas present. Anyway.... me and Koda stayed at Twyla's til almost 1. But then we got tired and decided to come home. We watched Noggin for liek 30 minutes then we both crashed on the floor. Now i"m off to get a lil work done. Well from the comfort of me in my jammies sitting at my desk at home while Koda plays in his room. lol

Y'all have a great day!