Saturday, January 3, 2009


Someone please tell me what it is that got into my child. He has been driving me crazy all day long!!!!! Everything I say is an argument with him. I told him to clean his room his response why I don't want to. Ugh he has driven me batty today. He doesn't have a bed time on the weekends. So I was glad when he came to me at 9 or 9:30 and informed me that it was past his bed time. I've never been so happy that he goes to bed on his own than tonight. Letting out my big sigh of relief. Who knows maybe I'm just more irritable today. lol

We were all supposed to go have dinner with my dad tonight but he had to reschedule because he had to go out of town. I completely understand that but I was a little disappointed. I very rarely get to spend time with my dad and little brother & sister. So hopefully in a few weeks.

And I'm crazy stressing about school starting again. I'll be taking 4 classes this semester. I haven't done that since before I had Dakota. So it's been a few years.

Well I guess that's enough rambling for now. Till next time. Deuces!

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