Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I have turned Dakota into.....

a HARRY POTTER NUT just like ME! lol Brad and I had a Harry Potter marathon to relive the previous movies in time for the 6th one came out. Well Dakota decided he wanted to watch too. According to him his real name is Harry Potter, he wants a wand, and has been running around in a pair of old glasses that don't have the lenses in them to be like Harry Potter. lol It's too cute. And I'm so psyched that I now have someone in this house that loves HP as much as I do! lol So I'll be working on a cloak for him for Christmas most likely with the Gryffindor emblem on it. I think this week I'm going to start reading the books to him. So he knows that the books are SOOOOOOO much better. :)

Bella had her 2 week check up today and she now weighs 8 lbs 2 oz. So she gained over a pound since last week. Doc says she is completely healthy and fine. But she's having some gas issues. So last night and tonight thus far have not been fun. I'm going to check out a book that was recommended to me by a wonderful mama. I hope what I learn from it helps. And thanks to all the DAM mamas that gave me advice. I really appreciate it!

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