Friday, August 14, 2009

Week 2 update

Well this week I walked every day. The distance was about a mile, and I haven't really been eating much. I need to take better care of myself. So here are the stats.

8/6 weigh in: 143
8/13 weigh in: 142

Only lost a pound. Maybe next week will be better.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My kiddos are growing up way too fast

I can't believe in 2 weeks my baby boy starts kindergarten. He's getting so big. And it's amazing how he interprets everything. He talks so grown up and everything. It's adorable. But it makes me want him to slow it down. It seems like yesterday that he was my little newborn.

And lil miss over-achiever is already rolling over from her back to her tummy. She's only 6 weeks old. She needs to learn that she don't need to be doing that.

Well it's crazy late, so I'm going to get off here. Hopefully tomorrow Bella will be in a good mood and I can get some cleaning done. And when baby boy gets home him & mommy have a date to go through and organize his room.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

As promised

Here are some pics I took of the kiddos.


Week 1 Weight Loss

Okay so I went to the doc on Tuesday for my 6 week check up and between Friday and then I gained 2 pounds.  Well  Monday I didn't do any excerising and I didn't on Tuesday either.  Wednesday I did my Carmen Electra workout and swore I was going to die half way through the cardio warm up.  I used to be able to do the whole workout without too many issues.  That's obviously not the case now. lol  Tonight we all went walking as a family.  I think the distance was half a mile to a 3/4 of a mile.  I decided to do my weigh in tonight while mom had Bella occupied.  Here are the stats.

7/31 weigh in: 145
8/4 weigh in: 147
8/6 weigh in: 142

Total weight lost: 5 lbs

So although I gained the 2 lbs by Tuesday, I lost that plus 3 lbs for this week's weigh in.  That's a total of 5 lbs lost so far.  My goal is to lose an additional 5 by next Friday.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My weight loss starting point....

I figure this is the only way I will be able to be accountable for losing this baby weight. 

My starting weight is: 145 lbs
My goal weight is: 125 lbs

I am going to try to start eating better, easier said than done. lol  I'm also going to do 30 minutes of cardio or go for a walk every evening.  It's the only way I'll be able to lose it all.  Brad is also going to be walking with me. We are going to make it a family thing. :)  I just wish it wasn't so dang hot! 

I'll be updating every Friday with my weigh-in, and what I've lost.