Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh the joys of baby food

Well Monday night I decided I'd give Bells some cereal mixed with peaches.  Well she loved it.  When she gets really excited about something she throws her arms all over the place to show it.  Well she did this, and baby food went flying everywhere.  And she thought it was quite funny.   I didn't find it so funny.  Only I'm a big dork and didn't have the camera out and ready.  So I took som epics last night of her 2nd night of food.  Carrots... mmmmm   And of course there is Koda.  He's my lil camera hog.  He loves being in pictures. 


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A few updates

First major update!!!! I get to walk across the stage to get my bachelors degree on May 15th!  I'm so excited.  Then on to studying for my GRE and off to grad school!

Second the kids are getting so big.  Bells rolled over and sat up.  She thinks she is grown up.  Dakota is getting so big.  I can't believe he's going to be 6!!!!  Mmy baby is growing up!

And lastly Brad's great aunt passed away today.  Please keep our families in your prayers.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Need a change

I've been thinkin the past couple of days.  I need to make a lot of changes in my life.  I've been so flustered and frustrated lately.  It's starting to take a toll on my health.  I still have a lot of anger and resentment from when I was pregnant.  And no matter what is said I still have A LOT of doubt.  I don't know what to do to change it.  The only thing I can figure is maybe going to see a counselor.  I need to talk to someone who is neutral in the situation.  I can't help but feel constantly hurt and let down.  It's affecting work, my studies, and my time with the kids.  Please pray for me while I go through the processes of making changes in my life, and letting go of all the hurt. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well it looks like I'm going to have to start taking my classes in Denton or transfer to a different university.  But I'm pretty sure I can make next semester my last semester for my bachelors.  SO we shall see.  Will update more after I talk with my advisor.

Making progess

Bella actually didn't scream bloody murder taking a bath last night.  she actually played in the bath for about 10 minutes!!!!  I was sooo happy.  She was cranky on our adventure to get home yesterday though.  Gotta love living in the boonies!  We couldn't go home the way we usually do because the bridge was flooded.  Then we tried going through Palmer.  Well....  we crossed over the highway only to see TXDoT trucks putting up signs that the road was flooded.  So we turn back around and go through Garrett.  The whole time Bella is extremely unhappy mind you.  And Koda decided it was a nice time for a little cat nap. How the child slept through her crying I have NO CLUE!  But we finally made it home 30 minutes later!

Monday, October 12, 2009

So excited

Next weekend is our Halloween Party and I'm stoked!  I can't wait it's going to be a blast.  I still have to figure out what I'm going to be though.  If funds allow, I'll be buying my costume, if not then I'll prolly just be a hippie.  Bella still isn't 100% but I'm hoping she's getting over this ear infection.  How she feels is going to determine whether or not I go out with this guys on friday.  Can't wait for the game on Saturday!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Homecoming Parade

Well last night was Bella's first homecoming parade.  Grandma bought her a mum, and she kept trying ot eat it.  IT was quite funny.  Koda enjoyed the parade. I think he took more pictures than got candy. I was picking up candy while he was taking pics of the floats.  I swear the child is just like his mommy!

Here's a slideshow of the pics.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Sorry for the downer post yesterday.  It wasn't a good day!  But today's a new day right? :) 

I'm hoping the rain holds off until after the homecoming parade.  Bella and Brad went to her first parade last weekend. But he forgot the camera so no pics.  Well tonight I'm getting pics by golly.  And then I have to run to walmart to get some fabrc paint.  We are going to make Koda some spirit pants & maybe Bella a spirit onesie! I wish we could go to the game, but I don't want to push the outings since Bella still doesn't feel 100%.  I will have pics later so sheck it out!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Frustration is going to be the death of me.....

I know God will never give me more than I can handle, but right now it seems like everything is falling.  My worry over our finances is literally eating me alive.  I don't have money to pay bills.  I have to tell Koda no when he wants to do things because we are broke.  I'm not even going to class this week because I don't have money for gas.  Things would be a little bit easier if I actually got child support to help with daycare.  But I'm not counting on that to happen.  It seems like everyone is letting me down including me.  All B knows how to do is spend money.  I try to be as frugal as possible, but sometimes unforeseen costs come up, and that drains you of everything.  All this worry has my health going to the wayside.  I have rally eaten an actual meal in over a week.  I've lost 5 or 6 pounds in just a week because of the stress.  I can't deal with it anymore.  I have my etsy store, which brings me a few sales, but not really anything significant to pay for anything.  And even though he doesn't want me to I'm seriously thinking about getting a second job to help get us caught up and maybe dig our way out a little sooner.  The only thing I worry about is not being able to see the kids. I barely get to spend time with them now because I'm in school.  I'm just at my wit's end, and don't know what to do.