Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Update on Bella
She was able to get off the phototherapy at 7 this morning. They are going to do a forehead strip test on her at 1. And if that comes back okay, we will be bringing her home today. It's so hard leaving her up there and her not being home when we are. We will be heading to the hospital at 12 and hopefully be home with our sweet girl not too long after.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another Update on Bella
Well she has to stay another night. Me and Brad came home because they couldn't guarantee us a room all night. It sucks. THat has to be the hardest decision I've made regarding my children. I feel like an awful mom for leaving her up there and coming home. I just hope another night with the lights on her will make her levels go down enough to come home in the morning. They are going to do another test on her at 5am. So if she goes down below the low risk percentile she'll be able to come home.
She seems like things are getting better. She's had a lot of poopy diapers and is eating a lot more. Which is what the main concern is in getting rid of her jaundice. We have set up her pedi appt for tomorrow on the jaundice follow up. But that is only if we are able to take her home tonight. If not I will be up here another night. Keep your fingers crossed for us. She's onry like her daddy & mommy though so I'm sure she'll make it to where she can go home today. lol
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Bella is here!!! aka our birth story
Well Friday I was having braxton hicks pretty bad and Koda told me it was going to happen Friday. Well he was wrong. lol I took Koda to meet his Gee at 5 Friday afternoon so he could spend the weekend at his dad's. I came home played some Guitar Hero because I had been itching to :) Brad got home from work and we decided we were going to go to Willie's to play poker. And by play I mean him play and me watch. We went and picked up Mama Jo and headed to Willie's. After a few hours and when mom went out on the second game we decided we would take a walk around the block to hopefully entice little Miss Bella to be born. We took mom home around 1:30 or so, and went home. I was so wound up and not ready to go to bed that I stayed up until about 4:30. I finally went to sleep. Around 10:30 I felt a major pain that woke me up. I concluded that it was in fact a contraction. I had never felt one that actually caused me to wake up, so I figured it might be the day. Brad had to get up and get some things from the supply store to fix Mama Jo's house. So I decided I didn't want to be home alone having contractions and went with him.
Bad idea. Every time I had a contraction he would kind of freak out and ask if we needed to head to the hospital. I reassured him I would know when we needed to head that way. The contractions started getting about 5 minutes apart around 12 or so. We went to eat at Dairy Queen after we got the supplies we needed. The contractions were getting a little more uncomfortable. I text my mom (because she told me she got texts in the warehouse, not the case but anyway) and told her that I would let her know when we were headed to the hospital. We got home around 1:30 or so and I decided I would call the doc and see what they would like me to do. Well Dr. Inser called me back and said that I should go ahead and head to L&D. So we made sure everything was loaded up in the car and started to head this way. I text mom to let her know.
When we got here I did all the question answering stuff and they hooked me up to everything. The contractions began getting closer together and A LOT stronger. I ended up getting Stadol in my IV to help with the pain. They doc came in around 4ish and broke my water. At that time I was dilated to a 4. I called mom and she headed down here and let me tell you she got here in record time! lol My dad did too. He was headed to Austin for the weekend and turned around and came back. I kept feeling like I had to push and I wasn't dilated enough. The pain was intense. I don't remember it being that way with Dakota. So I decided to ask for an epidural. Brad kept asking me if I was sure because he knew I was going to try to go natural. I don't regret the fact that I had the epidural. It made my labor experience so much better. Around 6:30 I was dilated to a 7. At that time the doc asked who all was staying and who was going. :P So my mom & dad went to the waiting area while Brad came to my side. I gave probably 10 really good pushes and my baby girl was here! Brad got to put on her first diaper after they cleaned her up. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.
About 30 minutes after I had her all 3 grandparents were able to come in the room. So needless to say she was spoiled within the first few hours. lol Mama Jo went home before it got dark so she wouldn't get lost in Dallas. And my mom & dad stayed until 11ish. We got to the room at 8 and had pizza delivered because boy was I hungry. lol
The first night was pretty sleepless. Bella has definitely got a set of lungs on her. lol Sunday was a good day. She got a lot of rest and so did we. We were supposed to be able to leave at 7 on Sunday, but Bella's jaundice levels were too high. So she's on a phototherapy pad and has her eyes covered and it breaks my heart not being able to look into her eyes.
We are hoping to be able to go home today. We are just waiting on the lab results. So keep your fingers crossed. Brad and I are going a little stir crazy being here.
Until we leave here is a slideshow of her first day in our world. She was born at 6:51 pm on 6/27/09. She weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 20 1/4" long. We are so happy she is finally here.
Bad idea. Every time I had a contraction he would kind of freak out and ask if we needed to head to the hospital. I reassured him I would know when we needed to head that way. The contractions started getting about 5 minutes apart around 12 or so. We went to eat at Dairy Queen after we got the supplies we needed. The contractions were getting a little more uncomfortable. I text my mom (because she told me she got texts in the warehouse, not the case but anyway) and told her that I would let her know when we were headed to the hospital. We got home around 1:30 or so and I decided I would call the doc and see what they would like me to do. Well Dr. Inser called me back and said that I should go ahead and head to L&D. So we made sure everything was loaded up in the car and started to head this way. I text mom to let her know.
When we got here I did all the question answering stuff and they hooked me up to everything. The contractions began getting closer together and A LOT stronger. I ended up getting Stadol in my IV to help with the pain. They doc came in around 4ish and broke my water. At that time I was dilated to a 4. I called mom and she headed down here and let me tell you she got here in record time! lol My dad did too. He was headed to Austin for the weekend and turned around and came back. I kept feeling like I had to push and I wasn't dilated enough. The pain was intense. I don't remember it being that way with Dakota. So I decided to ask for an epidural. Brad kept asking me if I was sure because he knew I was going to try to go natural. I don't regret the fact that I had the epidural. It made my labor experience so much better. Around 6:30 I was dilated to a 7. At that time the doc asked who all was staying and who was going. :P So my mom & dad went to the waiting area while Brad came to my side. I gave probably 10 really good pushes and my baby girl was here! Brad got to put on her first diaper after they cleaned her up. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.
About 30 minutes after I had her all 3 grandparents were able to come in the room. So needless to say she was spoiled within the first few hours. lol Mama Jo went home before it got dark so she wouldn't get lost in Dallas. And my mom & dad stayed until 11ish. We got to the room at 8 and had pizza delivered because boy was I hungry. lol
The first night was pretty sleepless. Bella has definitely got a set of lungs on her. lol Sunday was a good day. She got a lot of rest and so did we. We were supposed to be able to leave at 7 on Sunday, but Bella's jaundice levels were too high. So she's on a phototherapy pad and has her eyes covered and it breaks my heart not being able to look into her eyes.
We are hoping to be able to go home today. We are just waiting on the lab results. So keep your fingers crossed. Brad and I are going a little stir crazy being here.
Until we leave here is a slideshow of her first day in our world. She was born at 6:51 pm on 6/27/09. She weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 20 1/4" long. We are so happy she is finally here.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Today may be the day
I was awaken by a killer contraction. It hurt really freaking bad. So maybe that means she's ready to make her appearance! We shall see though. Will keep y'all updated.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bella is still being stubborn
Well little miss is still being stubborn. I went to the doc this morning and I'm at a -1 station, 70% effaced, and dilated to 1 cm. Losing my plug so I'm hoping that means she'll be here really soon. I have a doc appointment on Monday at 8:50. For now my induction is scheduled for Friday, but we are going to see if Dr. N can get it any sooner when he gets back in town Monday morning. I'm hoping he can work some magic. If she decides to be completely awesome and comes this weekend I'll definitely let y'all know. Koda said he bets she'll be born tomorrow. Lets hope he's right.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Today is my due date......
.......and there is still no Bella. I really hope she decides to make her debut today. I have a doc appt today at 3:45, and I'm hoping labor starts before then or while I'm in the doc office. She hasn't moved around as much as she usually does since last night. So that kinda freaks me out. My doc is out of town and I'm seeing his partner. So maybe after I tell him her movement has slowed down ALOT he will just induce me today or tomorrow. But we'll see. I was hoping she would debut on Sunday, but as we can see that didn't happen. I need to order a few big prints of my maternity pics in black & white to hang in her room. But that's gonna have to wait til my next pay check maybe.
I also found out last night that I have a little sister. She is 2 1/2 months old. I hope to get to meet her soon and have a relationship with her. I miss not being able to see my other brothers & sister because they live kind of far a way. Not too far, but with our money sitch it makes things difficult. I guess we'll see where all this goes.
Anyways.... I think I'm going to go get a shower and pick up the house a bit.
I also found out last night that I have a little sister. She is 2 1/2 months old. I hope to get to meet her soon and have a relationship with her. I miss not being able to see my other brothers & sister because they live kind of far a way. Not too far, but with our money sitch it makes things difficult. I guess we'll see where all this goes.
Anyways.... I think I'm going to go get a shower and pick up the house a bit.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sneak Peak
Here is a sneak peak from the photos that Heather took of the belly. Take a look.
so frustrated & upset
Like I said in my post earlier Brad will be working out of town pretty soon and we don't know if Bella will be born before they go to Austin. So I called the doc's office to see about getting induced so that we would know for sure that Brad would be here. But since the doc will be out of town next week we can't schedule anything so please pray that she decides to be born while he is here.
Still no Bella
I'm seriously beginning to think I'm going to be pregnant forever! lol I know I won't, but man does it feel like it. I need to have her soon though because Brad has a job out of town for a while, and he doesn't want to miss her birth, and wants to spend some time with her before he has to go work. So hopefully she decides this weekend would be a good time to be born. lol
Another good thing is Brad decided he is going to quit smoking. He's doing it cold turkey, so it's going to be interesting around our house. lol For that reason I'm glad he'll be working out of town for a while they can deal with the mood swings. But all in all this will help keep me from starting back also. So if he's being a jerk, you can bet it's because of the nicotine withdrawal. All I ask is that his decision is supported. Maybe he'll stick to it this time.
I also made a few bows last night. They are so adorable you can check them out HERE . I'm going to make some 4th of July ones for Bella. I have a list of sewing projects I want to do get done. And if I start my leave tomorrow then I intend on getting them done. Then all I have to do is start on Marleigh's bed set. I need to finish it before the baby shower.
Another good thing is Brad decided he is going to quit smoking. He's doing it cold turkey, so it's going to be interesting around our house. lol For that reason I'm glad he'll be working out of town for a while they can deal with the mood swings. But all in all this will help keep me from starting back also. So if he's being a jerk, you can bet it's because of the nicotine withdrawal. All I ask is that his decision is supported. Maybe he'll stick to it this time.
I also made a few bows last night. They are so adorable you can check them out HERE . I'm going to make some 4th of July ones for Bella. I have a list of sewing projects I want to do get done. And if I start my leave tomorrow then I intend on getting them done. Then all I have to do is start on Marleigh's bed set. I need to finish it before the baby shower.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Only 2ish more days
until I go on maternity leave. I decided I'm going to go ahead and start it and hopefully get a lil bit of rest until lil miss decides she is going to make her debut. I'm also planning on doing some much needed sewing projects and make Bella a few diaper covers. I'm also hoping to get the bed set for Marleigh completely done. Well what I can get done with what I have. lol
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Just got back from Doc
And it seems like I'm going to be pregnant forever!!!!! She's dropped but I'm not even dilated enough to induce. So that blows big time. My doc will be out of town next week so I'm going to see his partner on Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully by some miracle she's born this week. But the doc thinks she won't be here by the 30th even. So now we are just waiting it out I guess. I'm so frustrated and ready to not be pregnant that all I want to do right now is go home go to bed & cry. Makes me wonder if I even want more kids especially since this pregnancy has been so hellish.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Busy Saturday
Well the weekend was eventful. The only thing that would have made it better is if baby girl would have decided to make her appearance. But that didn't happen. We had Devin's b-day party that morning. It was a swim party at the Sokol. Koda had a blast. He got to jump off the diving board and thought he was cool stuff. He was going to jump off the tall diving board after watching Cambry do it, but then decided against it. :P Matt came and picked him up from the party. I finally used my gift certificate to get a pedicure & my eyebrows waxed (which so desperately needed it). Then it was off to Walmart. Got a few things there, and headed to Jen's b-day party. My bro met me up there and we went and washed my car it was incredibly filthy. We found a few scratches because apparently PG thinks it's okay to get on top of my car and sit on it. Not cool. After that we went and ate, then headed to Mesquite. I needed to get a few things at Babies R Us with my gift card there. We went to the mall, and I got a lot of walking in. Then we went to Old Navy. Their entire men's section was half off and I needed to get our 4th of July shirts. So it was an eventful trip. After that I took the brother back to his car then headed to Brian's to get Brad. We went to eat at Carino's for a date night. We were going to go to the movies... but by the time we got done eating we were both exhausted. We went home and went to bed.
I think I over-walked myself on Saturday though because Sunday it hurt to walk. It sucked. I tried to get the house somewhat presentable since Idk when I'm going to go into labor. I'm thinking about asking the doc if I haven't had her tomorrow if they can just induce me. I wanted a natural birth, but right now I want to be un-pregnant more than anything. I know sad right.
And then my cousin will most likely be moving another 2 hours away. So I'm not sure how our girls are gonna grow up together that way. lol
I think I over-walked myself on Saturday though because Sunday it hurt to walk. It sucked. I tried to get the house somewhat presentable since Idk when I'm going to go into labor. I'm thinking about asking the doc if I haven't had her tomorrow if they can just induce me. I wanted a natural birth, but right now I want to be un-pregnant more than anything. I know sad right.
And then my cousin will most likely be moving another 2 hours away. So I'm not sure how our girls are gonna grow up together that way. lol
Friday, June 12, 2009
False Labor
That's what happened yesterday. I had contractions about 7-8 minutes apart for a few hours then they got down to 6-7, then they got down to 5-6 which is when the doc told me to call. So I did...... they sent me to labor & delivery. I was there from 4 to almost 5:30. The contractions stopped go figure. So they sent me home. I was disappointed, but I guess baby girl just isn't ready to meet everyone. I am hoping though that I go into labor sometime this weekend. It's not looking like it though. :(
Thursday, June 11, 2009
This darn child
This kid is driving me nuts. lol I had contractions for 3 hours yesterday that were 10 minutes apart. I was really hoping last night was going to be the night, but obviously she's not ready. So maybe she'll decide to ome today or tomorrow. I plan o having my laptop with me at the hospital, so y'all will get an update fairly quick! lol And Dakota went from being a nightmare to being my awesome child again. So I'm not sure what all that was about.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
No Bella yet.. My cervix is thinned out, but I haven't dilated at all! Me and doc are both hoping I go into labor by this weekend. I'm miserable. My feet hurt soooo bad it's not even funny. I'm ready to not be preggo.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Shoot went....
great. At least I think so. We were taking a family photo and a girl that was having a quince walked out and Koda said she was hot and he loves hot girls. I was like um no sir. lol He's too young to be talking like that. Heather said it will be about 2 weeks before we get the pics. But I sooooo can't wait.
I've been on a cleaning frenzy tonight. I'm waiting on the loads in the washer & dishwasher to get done so I can start some more. Also our dog has been acting very strange tonight. Anytime I go outside PG follows me everywhere and has to constanty sniff me. So I'm hoping that means she senses that something is going to happen. :) I've never had a pet while I was preggo so Idk if they pick up on those types of things.
Anyways that's all for tonight I think. lol
I've been on a cleaning frenzy tonight. I'm waiting on the loads in the washer & dishwasher to get done so I can start some more. Also our dog has been acting very strange tonight. Anytime I go outside PG follows me everywhere and has to constanty sniff me. So I'm hoping that means she senses that something is going to happen. :) I've never had a pet while I was preggo so Idk if they pick up on those types of things.
Anyways that's all for tonight I think. lol
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Well last night, or shall I say this morning, I had contractions for about 2 hours that were 8-10 minutes a part. They finally ended about 3:30. I was so hoping that would be it. But nope. But I have a feeling ti will be soon. (I mean within the next week or so.) So keep looking for updates!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Just a lil PSA for the day.....
DON'T slam your finger in the car door!!!! It hurts really bad. Yesterday we went to walmart to get some groceries, and Koda got out of the car as usual. But instead of standing by my door as usual..... he proceeds to start running around the car like a maniac. So instead of paying attention to where exactly where my finger was with the door because I'm trying to get my child to get his booty back by me...... This is what happens.....
And let me tell you it smarts. I got no sleep last night because the throbbing hurt so bad I was in tears. So I slept on the couch because I didn't want to wake Brad up. He called the hospitals non-emergency line and asked what I could do to keep it from hurting so bad. Well what they said helped some. Except for the ice.... that made it hurt tremendously!!!! But hopefully tonight I can sleep better. I'm just waiting to see when the nail will come off because that is inevitable.
Yesterday was Dakota's pre-K program. It was so cute. I've got video but due to last night's events, I didn't get it uploaded. So I'll be working on that when I get home. Dakota has gotten this awful little terror spell going on, and I'm at my wit's end. Idk what to do. He got his leapster taken away last night because of how he was behaving at school. And I'm not sure that his daycare is a good fit for him any more. He is picking up some very bad habits from the other kids, and saying things that he doesn't need to be saying. I'm glad he'll be staying at home with me this summer. Hopefully that will calm him down and we can prepare for Kindergarten.

And let me tell you it smarts. I got no sleep last night because the throbbing hurt so bad I was in tears. So I slept on the couch because I didn't want to wake Brad up. He called the hospitals non-emergency line and asked what I could do to keep it from hurting so bad. Well what they said helped some. Except for the ice.... that made it hurt tremendously!!!! But hopefully tonight I can sleep better. I'm just waiting to see when the nail will come off because that is inevitable.
Yesterday was Dakota's pre-K program. It was so cute. I've got video but due to last night's events, I didn't get it uploaded. So I'll be working on that when I get home. Dakota has gotten this awful little terror spell going on, and I'm at my wit's end. Idk what to do. He got his leapster taken away last night because of how he was behaving at school. And I'm not sure that his daycare is a good fit for him any more. He is picking up some very bad habits from the other kids, and saying things that he doesn't need to be saying. I'm glad he'll be staying at home with me this summer. Hopefully that will calm him down and we can prepare for Kindergarten.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Doc Appt
Well today at my doc appt I had to do the Group B Strep Test. Doc will get those results in a couple of days. My blood pressure looks great, my feet are still swollen, and I now weigh 164 pounds. so think that puts my gain up to 35 pounds. idk.. i lost track. He said she can come anytime she wants. It'd be great if it was sooner than later. lol Everything is getting really uncomfortable. I can't sleep, and then I forgot to ask him about my headaches. I've had a stupid bad headache since Friday. Friday I actually ended up going home early because it hurt so bad. But I go back next week and that's on my question list. I have my maternity shoot with Heather this weekend at the Arboretum. I can't wait. Hopefully Bella doesn't decide to come befor ethen. lol But I haven't been having any regular contrax so not likely. She is dropping tho.. I can feel it. So this weekend will be all about lil man since it's probably his last weekend as an only child! So hopefully we can find something cheap and fun to do with him.
Anyways there's the update. I'll pics to upload tomorrow of Koda's awards & music program. I can't believe it's the end of the year already.
Anyways there's the update. I'll pics to upload tomorrow of Koda's awards & music program. I can't believe it's the end of the year already.
Monday, June 1, 2009
My twitter profile
Here is the link to my Twitter account. I update it pretty frequently. And when I go into labor you can head there for updates as they are happening.
The weekend
Pretty much sucked! We were supposed to have a night to ourselves Friday night, but of course that didn't happen. And I scrounged up what change I had for the 2 of us to spend the day at Canton on Saturday. (I really wanted a turkey leg & roasted corn. :P) Well we went but it wasn't just the 2 of us. Then we were going to go to the movie Sat. night cuz we had a coupon to a new theater in town, and you can assume that didn't happen either. So I felt pretty lonely all weekend long. But of course I'm the bad guy and my feelings aren't justified and whatever else... And the one person who always makes me happy wasn't home. He was at his dad's for the weekend. I just don't understand what I did to have all this come down on me right now. I swear all the stress is going to put me into labor ALOT sooner than I need for it to happen. I'm tired of all the excuses and am past the point of caring anymore. I've decided I'm going to live for me and my kiddos. They are all I need.
And all the seeds and stuff I planted for a garden are now wasted money because I couldn't get anyone to work up the ground for me. So I'm beyond mad about that. I just don't see why it's so hard for anyone to do anything for me when I can't do it myself. They bitch when I try to do it, but then get mad when I'm upset that it didn't get done.
Anyways, this was just a venting post. I'm done now..
But my 37 week doc appointment is tomorrow woohoo!!!!! We'll see what the doc says. I think she'll make her debut sometime within the next 2 weeks. And I have my maternity photos this weekend! I sooo can't wait.
And all the seeds and stuff I planted for a garden are now wasted money because I couldn't get anyone to work up the ground for me. So I'm beyond mad about that. I just don't see why it's so hard for anyone to do anything for me when I can't do it myself. They bitch when I try to do it, but then get mad when I'm upset that it didn't get done.
Anyways, this was just a venting post. I'm done now..
But my 37 week doc appointment is tomorrow woohoo!!!!! We'll see what the doc says. I think she'll make her debut sometime within the next 2 weeks. And I have my maternity photos this weekend! I sooo can't wait.
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