Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon Premier & Other stuff

Well Thursday night I went with Vanessa and Jason for the midnigh showing of New Moon.  It was AWESOME!!!!  Can't wait until me and Brad get a chance to go see it together. It was so much better than the first one.  Now we wait until June for Eclipse. 

Well Bella has started ths new thing where she tries to blow spit bubbles.  It's hilarious.  Here's a video of it.   She only seems to do it when she's starting to get mad.  Sorry it's so extremely close & dark.  We hanging out on the couch.

Then of course we had to get a video of her eating.  It was pretty funny too.  If you don't get the food in her mouth fast enough she literally tries to attack you!

Now for wedding talk.  We have our colors picked, turquoise & black.  I have my girls, Brad doesn't have all his yet.  So planning is underway.  I'm hoping to get the girls to decide on a dress or pick one of the 3 I like for them pretty soon.  So that I know they have them.  Then I have to figure out what Marliegh & Bella are gonig to wear. I'll probably have to make their dresses.

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