Koda: Last week K was started in a new class. There were too many kindergarteners per teacher so they hired an additional teacher. He seems to like her class. I'm going to email her this afternoon to see how he's doing. We just bought him a bunch of books. Can't wait to sit down with him and read them tonight. All in all he's doing good. Getting big and staying healthy. Although he already eats like a teenager. lol
Bella: B has been pretty good. She is now 12 lbs. We had to take her to the doc last week because she was hardly eating, and EXTREMELY fussy. Ends up she had a minor ear & upper respiratory infection. So we are getting her over that. She also got to meet her new cousin this weekend. I hope B & Marleigh are like me and Karlie and end up being besties. I don't know what I would do without my Karlie-bell. I hope they have that same bond especially since they are only 2 months apart in age. lol
The girls

Well I'm going to go for now.. But one last thing.... I WAS ABLE TO FIT INTO A SIZE 5! I was so excited and jumping up and down. Brad thought it was funny and Karlie looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I am tho :)
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