.....on when Bella will make her arrival??? lol I kid I kid. Me and my mom both have a feeling she's going to decide she needs to be here a little sooner than her due date. My mom is thinking around the 15th. I'm thinking whenever she wants. I'm so uncomfortable right now it's not even funny. My feet look like irons! It hurts to walk.. The belly is sooooo big that it's hard to bend over. I don't remember this with Koda, but I didn't gain as much weight with him! I go to the doc on the 3rd so I'll have more info then for sure.
Next Friday is Koda's last day of school, and I'm so sad. He'll then officially be a Kindergartener. He's growing up way to fast. I told him he had to stop growing. He laughed at me, of course. He informed us this mornign that he loves Pre-K and doesn't want to go to Kinder. He doesn't want to leave Mrs. Nash. But he's ready for Summer. He'll be at the daycare every day until I have Bella, then he gets to stay home with mommy. I think he's most excited about that.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Weekend
I hope everyone had a great memorial weekend. We had a good time on Lake Texoma with my family. We had a few not so great things happen but those not so good things led to improvements me and Brad need to make. So that's good at least. We spent a majority of the time on the boat helping my uncle set lines & check. We caught quite a few fish Sunday & Monday. We had the bright idea of trying to head towards a storm to check lines but we turned around cuz it got cold FAST! lol And I got to drive a boat for the very first time. That was exciting for me. lol But I'm not so good at it... :P I'm a lil sun burned but nothing I can't handle. At least I can now sleep half way comfortable. It hurt so bad saturday & sunday that it hurt to move. We've already got our tent site reserved for the 4th of July so Bella will already have one camping trip under her belt. lol Thank goodness my aunt has a camper that we can use for Bella. Well here are pics of the weekend. Sorry there aren't as many as usual... but like I said that were some not great circumstances and I wasn't in the mood to take pics.
Yeah I know I didn't get them up on Friday
Well I know I didn't get the pics up before we left so here are the pics of Koda's buddy fun day. Next week is his awards program :( and then I will officially have a kindergartener.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
one more day....
.....and we'll be on Lake Texoma with the fam. I'm stoked! I love camping, it reminds me to take a breather. lol I'm sure I'll have like amillion pics when we get back on Monday. If I have time I'll upload some in between. We have Dakota's buddy fun day in the morning at his school. Those pics will for sure be up before we leave tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Good weekend
Well this weekend was pretty good. Friday when I got home I played GH World Tour for about 30 minutes. I realize that I need to keep up playing it cuz I suck AGAIN!!!! lol I haven't played since Dec or Jan and was sucking it up on Medium. I was doing pretty well on Hard before. So back to gaming I go. lol Then I went thru my entire closet for something to wear to Terry & Carrie's reception. I ended up dressing very basic. lol So now I have a pile of clothes to put up. Had a good time at the reception. Went home then stayed up talking outside with friends til like 1. This was after I tried getting in the bed of the truck from the side, but almost fell. Kelly told me he was not gonna let me do that again cuz we didn't need to go to the ER. So I decided to use the tailgate.
Saturday I cut my hair pretty short. Luckily Brad really likes it. lol I was worried he wouldn't. I went to Levi's party and he is such a cutie!!! Then I went home to wait for Brad to get home so we could go to my friend's daughter's party. He wanted me to wait so we could just take 1 car instead of 2. Well he didn't get home until after 9. If I woulda known that I would have gone to the party without him. I was really excited about going.
Sunday we had our date lunch. Then went and ran some errands. Since we haven't cooked for my mom for Mother's day yet we are making fajitas tonight. so I'll be a busy woman. But I got the blankee done for my friend's baby girl. Can't wait to give it to her.
Saturday I cut my hair pretty short. Luckily Brad really likes it. lol I was worried he wouldn't. I went to Levi's party and he is such a cutie!!! Then I went home to wait for Brad to get home so we could go to my friend's daughter's party. He wanted me to wait so we could just take 1 car instead of 2. Well he didn't get home until after 9. If I woulda known that I would have gone to the party without him. I was really excited about going.
Sunday we had our date lunch. Then went and ran some errands. Since we haven't cooked for my mom for Mother's day yet we are making fajitas tonight. so I'll be a busy woman. But I got the blankee done for my friend's baby girl. Can't wait to give it to her.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Diaper Bag Give Away on Project Nursery!!
Check out this awesome line of diaper bags on Project Nursery. They are having a give away for one of them.
The pics I promised
Here are the pics I promised.
Here's my Mother's Day gits from Koda.

Here is my 34 week belly!

Here are my lil seedlings... they grew overnight so they are bigger now.

And just because he is so darn cute!
Here's my Mother's Day gits from Koda.

Here is my 34 week belly!

Here are my lil seedlings... they grew overnight so they are bigger now.

And just because he is so darn cute!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Totally Forgot
I planted some veggie & herb seeds in a starter green house thingy from Home Depot. I did this I think Monday night when I got home from school. Me and Koda made it a fun little project. We're going to start another tray this weekend. Anyways..... I've already got some little seeds sprouting!!!!!! I so can't wait til they get a lil bit bigger so I can transplant them.
Done til August
Well I had my LAST final last night. I'm pretty sure I aced it. It was easy and Helen told us it would be. Now just gotta be patient until the grades are posted. Hopefully I will know next week what I have.
This morning we woke up to the sound of thunder.... and lots of it. It started pouring around 5!!! Well goober head left the windows on his truck down last night so the inside of the truck is nice and wet & will probably smell like mildew here soon.
And Koda's phrase of the week is "Bad Mamma Jamma" It's too funny hearing him say it. It cracks me up every time.
This morning we woke up to the sound of thunder.... and lots of it. It started pouring around 5!!! Well goober head left the windows on his truck down last night so the inside of the truck is nice and wet & will probably smell like mildew here soon.
And Koda's phrase of the week is "Bad Mamma Jamma" It's too funny hearing him say it. It cracks me up every time.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Need opinions!!!!
Okay so I'm hoping to get my hair cut this weekend. I need help deciding which style. yes I know both pics are of Katy Perry, but there were the only pics I could find that I liked. So help me decide......
or 2.

or 2.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Great doc appointment!
Well my doc appointment went great. I weigh 158 lbs so that's a total weight gain so far of 27 lbs. Not too bad I don't guess considering I lost a lot of weight during the 1st trimester. I'm 34 weeks and will take pics tonight when I get home. Bella is still head down so that's lovely with heartbeat of 160 beats per minute. And that was pretty much it at the appt. I'm supposed to go every 2 weeks but the doc will be outta town in 2 weeks so I'll be going in 3 weeks. He said he's perfectly fine with that timeline since I'm so healthy & normal. lol (I don't know who he's calling normal.) He said I better not go into labor while he's gone. I told him I don't plan on it. :)
Later tonight I'll finish takign the pics of Koda's mother's day gift to me and my belly pics. So check back!
Later tonight I'll finish takign the pics of Koda's mother's day gift to me and my belly pics. So check back!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Some crafty things I did over the weekend & Mother's Day
Well I spent a large part of the weekend at the sewing machine. I got a lot of crafty things done. :) I made my mother in law & step-mother in law I guess you could say a fabric box that included a wallflower from bath & bodyworks, some pretty smelling hand sanitizer, and a heat pad thing to put in the microwave and soothe some tight muscles. that was their gift for hosting my baby shower. I wanted to do more, but wiht a tight budget it doesn't allow for much. I also tried my hand at some contoured burp cloths. I am for sure keeping one of them, and the other 3 will likely be in my etsy shop. I started working on a ragged quilt to put in my store or if it turns out totally cute I'm going to give it to a very special friend for her lil girl. I also made my mom & mother in law a burp cloth that says I love grandma on the bottom for mother's day, but they won't get it until lil Miss Bella is here. We are going to put her footprints on them and have her name & birthdate embroidered on them.
My mother's day was okay. Koda made me some adorable things at school. I totally forgot to take pics of them but I will tonight so y'all can see. Other than that it was crappy until we went to Patty's. I was extremely frustratd for numerous reasons, but out of that frustration I was able to clean my entire house and got ALMOST all the laundry done. But today my feet hurt & are still swollen. So i will prolly get griped at tomorrow by the doc. Oh well. At least I have a clean house ;)
I hope everyone had a great weekend & Mother's day. I'll update tomorrow after my doc appt & also post pics of Koda's great artwork he made mommy. Til then here are pics of the crafts I got done this weekend.
My mother's day was okay. Koda made me some adorable things at school. I totally forgot to take pics of them but I will tonight so y'all can see. Other than that it was crappy until we went to Patty's. I was extremely frustratd for numerous reasons, but out of that frustration I was able to clean my entire house and got ALMOST all the laundry done. But today my feet hurt & are still swollen. So i will prolly get griped at tomorrow by the doc. Oh well. At least I have a clean house ;)
I hope everyone had a great weekend & Mother's day. I'll update tomorrow after my doc appt & also post pics of Koda's great artwork he made mommy. Til then here are pics of the crafts I got done this weekend.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Not much new...
Well I'm already starting to get tired of being pregnant.. I feel so huge and it's uncomfortable to walk, bend or do anything really. But I do it so that I can hopefully get the baby weight off as fast as I did with lil man. You better bet me and Koda will be out with the stroller this summer walking so mommy looks good again. :P
I'm really excited. I won an awesome pendant from a fellow mommy. They are beautiful and I can't wait to show y'all. Another thing..... I had one of my strawberry seeds sprout!!!!! I planted quite a few seeds like a month ago, and have been having a spazz attack because they haven't been growing. But Brad text me yesterday and let me know that one of them sprouted. Now to keep it alive! lol He finished mowing my garden area. I'm going to get them started in a mini green-house and then transplant them once they have sprouted. Cuz last year my garden SUCKED with a capital S. It was awful. But hopefully this year, we can get some good produce. Most of the seeds I'm planting are organic so that's even better. I'm tired of paying ridiculous prices for produce that isn't very good.
Koda is ALMOST done with Pre-K. His last day is June 5th. He has an awards & music program on the 3rd. I can't wait for that. Then he'll be going to daycare until his little sister arrives. After that he'll be home with mommy until school starts again in August. He's getting so big. He just had class group picture & another picture done. Hopefully I can dig around and find some money to order the CD like I did last time.
And be prepared to be bombarded with pics of things I'm creating. I got another set of quilt blocks to make another blanket for my store, and then with the left overs I've got some goodies that will be made for Mama Jo & Patty. So hopefully I can get those done by Sunday so I can give them to them then. I've got lots of sewing to do tonight & tomorrow. It's a good thing I enjoy it. :P
I'm really excited. I won an awesome pendant from a fellow mommy. They are beautiful and I can't wait to show y'all. Another thing..... I had one of my strawberry seeds sprout!!!!! I planted quite a few seeds like a month ago, and have been having a spazz attack because they haven't been growing. But Brad text me yesterday and let me know that one of them sprouted. Now to keep it alive! lol He finished mowing my garden area. I'm going to get them started in a mini green-house and then transplant them once they have sprouted. Cuz last year my garden SUCKED with a capital S. It was awful. But hopefully this year, we can get some good produce. Most of the seeds I'm planting are organic so that's even better. I'm tired of paying ridiculous prices for produce that isn't very good.
Koda is ALMOST done with Pre-K. His last day is June 5th. He has an awards & music program on the 3rd. I can't wait for that. Then he'll be going to daycare until his little sister arrives. After that he'll be home with mommy until school starts again in August. He's getting so big. He just had class group picture & another picture done. Hopefully I can dig around and find some money to order the CD like I did last time.
And be prepared to be bombarded with pics of things I'm creating. I got another set of quilt blocks to make another blanket for my store, and then with the left overs I've got some goodies that will be made for Mama Jo & Patty. So hopefully I can get those done by Sunday so I can give them to them then. I've got lots of sewing to do tonight & tomorrow. It's a good thing I enjoy it. :P
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Check out this giveaway on a friends blog!!!
She sells extremely cute scrabble pendants. Go check it out!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Baby Girl's Blanket
Well I just finished making a patchwork blanket for Bella. Koda is next on my list. Thinking about doing a patchwork of his fave superheroes. We will see. But here is Bella's blanket.

Monday, May 4, 2009
Baby Shower
The baby shower turned out great!!! Thank you Mama Jo & Patty for putting it together. I just gotta say that Bella is gonna look super cute this summer with all the dresses she got! It was great seeing everybody. Now to get to work on Thank You's before lil miss makes her debut! lol
Here are some pics from the shower.
Here are some pics from the shower.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Today is the baby shower
Well we have my baby shower this afternoon. Koda is very excited and wants to help. So I'll have pics of that hopefully this evening.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Well we didn't get to do maternity photos. It rained.... so it was cancelled. Just gotta reschedule in a few weeks. lets hope I don't go into labor early! lol
Can't wait
I'm so excited. I'm gettin gmy maternity photos done today at 3:30!!!!! I hope they turn out great!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Finally got some fabric
Well I finally found some AFFORDABLE fabric we like. And got it today. So hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll have some pics of bella's burp clothes, blanket & bassinet cover.. we shall see tho nothing ever goes how I plan. lol
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