I'm slacking at keeping this blog updated. Y'all gotta stay on me. lol Here's what's been going on in everyone's world...
Lil miss Bella: we are 29 weeks! Only 11ish weeks until we get to meet our baby girl. When we had her 3d sono pics done they said she was breech. I'm hoping she turns and stays the way she needs to be. lol At my last appt the doc said i've only gained 9 lbs but everything is perfect. I have another doc appt. on Thursday so I'll update when I get back from that. She's still practicing her kick-boxing. It's getting less painful now :P And so far it seems like she's gonna have her mommy's taste in music. She especially likes the "he's just not that into you" soundtack. She starts moving like crazy on the songs she likes. If it's a song she doesn't like she is completely still. It's funny. She also moves like crazy when Koda talks to her.
Koda: We were having a few behavior issues with him the past couple of weeks but I think those have subsided. We haven't had any reports lately. Although I think i'm going to have to tell his Daycare teacher to keep him away from one little girl in his class because they can't ever play nicely together! They fight constantly. But that's kids for ya. He ended up getting a free haircut over the weekend. His dad took him to get it cut and they messed it up. It doesn't look real bad, but it's definitely not how he usually gets it cut. He has his very first field trip next week to the zoo. I'm hoping I'll be able to get off so I'll be able to help volunteer. Dakota & I had a talk last night about his room staying a mess. I told him he'll have to keep it clean or if he wanted we could get rid of some of his toys to make it easier to clean. So he's been going through his toys to see which ones he wants and which ones he doesn't. He's becoming such a big boy!
Brad & I: We are doing good. Just trying to keep trucking with the crappy times. But we'll get through it. It's hard to stay positive but we're trying. It's probably a good thing I'm a homebody. lol He's been trying to work as much as possible so that's always a good thing. I'm trying to get some of my baby items sold, and selling a few things I don't use anymore on craigslist & ebay. I've got a busy few weeks ahead. Have a few papers to finish & get ready for finals. I can't believe the semester is almost over. But I'm really glad because I need a break before miss priss gets here.
We're hoping to have a good Easter weekend. We can't get anything for lil man's easter basket so I'll be making him a beanie or two since he's been bugging me for one. And I'm sure I can find something else to make him. Maybe a memory board or book for all his Disney pictures & memoribilia.
But I'll finish my novel out. til next time (aka Thursday) XOXOXO