Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Dentist Appt

Well it didn't go the way I've planned. I've been hoping to get this darn wisdom tooth pulled. It's been bothering me again lately. I decided to call Brad's dentist and go in. Well they won't take all my wisdom teeth out until I've had Bella. They are impacted and clsoe to the nerves. They said they will have to sedate me. So I'll probably look at doing this in July while I'm still on maternity leave. I jsut have to hope I have time to get some milk stored up for Bella while I'm a little out of it. The other thing it's going to cost almost a grand. So I'll have to save that much up in this short amount of time. Hopefully I can do it. So I'm stuck with tooth pain still. I have antibiotics & pain killers to help with it. Hopefully I won't need the pain pills very much.

Until next time......

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