Sunday, May 27, 2012

Best Party Ever

I just want to say thank you to our friends for making our bachelor/bachelorette party so much fun.  And thank you to Dad and Laura for opening up your house to all of us crazies.  It was a night full of laughs and fun.  Even though I was the first to take me leave and go night-night.  I had a blast.  Here are some pics of us girls. :D

The first pic is sober Trina.  The rest, well you can see for yourselves.  :P

Laura also gave me this beautiful ring for my "something old" for the wedding.  It means so much to me for her to pass on such an important item to me.  I feel so honored.  I will cherish it, and one day pass it on to Bella.  I'm so blessed to have you as part of my family.  I love you!