Saturday, November 29, 2008

Only 1 more holiday for the year

Well Thanksgiving is over. We had my family's dinner last sunday. It was alot of fun. We got to see some of my cousins that I haven't seen in years. We went to Brad's aunt's house on Thursday and had fun. I left there that evening so I could stay up all night with my cousins before we went shopping. We went to see Twilight to help pass the time and omg.... I absolutely love that movie. I'll be getting the books so that I can read them during my school break. I loved the guy that played Cedrick in Harry Potter. and I love him even more now!

We told Koda that there was only one baby in my tummy and he was extremely disappointed that there weren't 2. But when he talks about the baby it's "his" baby. It's so cute. He's really excited about being a big brother. Just giving a short lil update! Til next time.... Love ya!

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